Episode Synopsis "Watching and waiting, by Pastor Lee Lever"
Psalm 25; Jeremiah 33:14-16; Luke 21:25-36 December 2, 2018
Listen "Watching and waiting, by Pastor Lee Lever"
More episodes of the podcast Austin Mennonite Church Sermons
- Watching and waiting, by Pastor Lee Lever
- Trusting in God’s care in ambiguous times, by Pastor Lee Lever
- Love these three, by Steve Friesen
- “What do you want me to do for you,” by Pastor Lee Lever
- Kingdom economics, the first shall be last, by Pastor Lee Lever
- Patriarchy, power, and a change of heart, by Pastor Lee Lever
- On the road again, by Ron Diener
- A more open way, by Pastor Lee Lever
- Religion that is pure, by Pastor Lee Lever
- Ready to engage, by Pastor Lee Lever