Episode Synopsis "Science and Hydroxychloroquine"
Doctors Gawayne and Mark Vaughan of the Auburn Medical Group discuss the interpretation of medical studies, using hydroxychloroquine use for COVID-19 as an example. Original video on Dr. Greenknight. Link to Henry Ford study
Listen "Science and Hydroxychloroquine"
More episodes of the podcast Auburn Medical Group
- Air Quality Index
- 2020 Flu Shots and COVID-19
- COVID-19 Mental Health
- Chronic Pain Management Guidelines in the UK
- Science and Hydroxychloroquine
- Heat Illness
- ReOpening Schools
- ReOpening
- Prescription Video Game
- Live Outside
- Science Fail | LIVE Auburn Medical Group
- Rubber Bullets Hurt
- Medical Decisions Can be Difficult
- Doctors React to Plandemic Movie
- Reopening During COVID-19
- Quarantine Fatigue
- Coronavirus Testing
- Podcast Trailer