Episode Synopsis "01. Rex: "There is something only minorities can relate to.""
Almost 10 years ago, fresh out of college, Rex left China and came to the US to pursue a Master's degree in Computer Science. Looking back, he told me that it was a rather impulsive decision but one that he had never regretted because it opened up his mind, sparked his curiosity, and gave him the confidence to face whatever that will come next. I understand what he was saying because, like him, and like hundreds of thousands of Chinese students who head overseas to study each year, this too has changed my life. *Guest recommendation*: + Kenneth Eng. [My Life In China](https://amzn.to/2lFp0RQ) - Rex recommends this documentary about a Chinese who fled China and immigrated to the US during the Cultural Revolution and later returned to the country. The movie documents faithfully the plight, the reform, and the development in China as well as the Chinese views on family and values. *References*: + Zack Beauchamp. [Trevor Noah’s feud with France over race, identity, and Africa, explained](https://bit.ly/2zTgiG3) + Lulu Wang. [The Fairwell](https://bit.ly/2HhbnPZ) + Touche pas à mon poste: [Can we make fun of religions?](https://bit.ly/2m93XY0) (The video is unfortunately not available in the US.) + David RockHeidi, Grant, and Jacqui Grey. [Diverse Teams Feel Less Comfortable — and That’s Why They Perform Better](https://bit.ly/2dbXyCd) + [Story FM](http://storyfm.cn/) (A Chinese podcast that tells the stories of the contemporary Chinese. Think *This American Life* but in Chinese.) + Nicholas Kristof. [Where Sweatshops Are a Dream](https://nyti.ms/2MoG1Zk) (The article was about sweatshops in Cambodia. In the episode, we mentioned an article about sweatshops in China but could no longer locate it. This is the closest we could find.) + Alyssa Picard. [Making the American Mouth: Dentists and Public Health in the Twentieth Century](https://amzn.to/2lN8zmc) + Wikipedia. [History of Chinese Americans](https://bit.ly/1JPt94b) + Theme music: Let's Roll Beat by GarageBand *Contact*: + Website: [arctictern.studio](https://www.arctictern.studio/podcast/) + Email: [email protected]