Episode Synopsis "Love Points the Way"
Family Ministry Pastor Jimmy Hutson's message this week was titled "Love Points the Way" out of 1 Corinthians 13:1-13.
Listen "Love Points the Way"
More episodes of the podcast Antioch Wichita - Sermon Podcast
- Restoring Love
- A Revival of Anguish
- Dwell || Proximity to Jesus
- Opinionated || Rethinking What We Think
- Miraculous Part 5: The Miracle of No || 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 & Matthew 26:36-44
- Miraculous Part 4: Little Girl, Wake Up || Mark 5:35-43
- It's a Trap - Isaiah 30:1-22 || Pastor Darnell Bryant
- Love Points the Way
- Contend for the Faith Once Delivered to the Saints || Dr. Don Davis
- Miraculous Part 3: Who Touched My Garments? || Mark 5:21-34