Episode Synopsis "C48"
Listen "C48"
More episodes of the podcast Anna George
- Post modern Fiction
- Barry Lewis
- Little Stones
- Don Quixote
- Past Tense
- A vindication of the rights of woman
- Functions of Criticism
- Ania Loomba Essay
- Pedro Paramo
- Futurity in English
- At the Lahore Karhai
- Indian Movie New Jersey
- Othello
- Othello2
- C21 False Witnesses
- C 20
- C 18 Concord
- Proposal
- Mother Tongue
- Harmony of Prose
- Of Truth
- Mother Tongue 1
- Sakunthalam 15
- Cartography
- Cartography 4
- Cartography 2
- Cartography MA
- Trifles
- Adjectives
- Nightmare
- T.S Eliot
- New literatures
- Empire Writes Back
- Present Tense
- C48
- The Past tense
- Meditations on Westminster Abbey
- How he lied to her husband
- How he lied to her husband
- Odessey
- Lovely is Youth
- Inferno
- On Courage
- Are the rich happy
- Are the rich happy
- Postcard from Kashmir
- That Deep Silence
- And Behold
- National Thoughts
- Borges and I
- The Poet
- Hovering at a Low Altitude
- Signifier and signified
- Shakuntalam
- Linguistics
- Syntax
- Dipesh
- Plachimada