Fractional Knapsack

Fractional Knapsack


31/05/2021 8:06AM

Episode Synopsis "Fractional Knapsack"

1. You are given a number n, representing the count of items. 2. You are given n numbers, representing the values of n items. 3. You are given n numbers, representing the weights of n items. 3. You are given a number "cap", which is the capacity of a bag you've. 4. You are required to calculate and print the maximum value that can be created in the bag without overflowing it's capacity. Note1 -> Items can be added to the bag even partially. But you are not allowed to put same items again and again to the bag. Input Format A number n v1 v2 .. n number of elements w1 w2 .. n number of elements A number cap Output Format A decimal number representing the maximum value that can be created in the bag without overflowing it's capacity Constraints 1 <= n <= 20 0 <= v1, v2, .. n elements <= 50 0 < w1, w2, .. n elements <= 10 0 < cap <= 10 Sample Input 10 33 14 50 9 8 11 6 40 2 15 7 2 5 9 3 2 1 10 3 3 5 Sample Output 50.0 --- Send in a voice message:

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