YOUR Farewell Gift Ideas For Your Host Family | Au Pair Advice

YOUR Farewell Gift Ideas For Your Host Family | Au Pair Advice

Advice From A Bropair

30/08/2021 2:42PM

Episode Synopsis "YOUR Farewell Gift Ideas For Your Host Family | Au Pair Advice"

An au pair friend of mine sent me a DM asking if I could ask you guys for ideas on what would be the best farewell gifts for her to give her host-family so in today's video I am going to be sharing those with you all. Stay until the end to hear my favourite gift idea! A farewell gift doesn't need to be big or expensive. After your time as an au pair the best kind of gift will be something personal. Something to show how much you've learned about your family and something which will always remind them of you. If you enjoyed the video then make sure to give it a like and  subscribe if you aren't already. Do you have a gift idea that was not mentioned? Comment it down below, I reply to all my comments! Have a great day! 😄 - the Bropair #aupair #maleaupair #thebropair #giftideas #farewellgiftideas

Listen "YOUR Farewell Gift Ideas For Your Host Family | Au Pair Advice"

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