Episode Synopsis "To Submit or Not to Submit - That is the Question Part 1"
This can be a touchy subject for a number of reasons. When in the early stages and most restrictive lock downs of the Corona Virus pandemic, we began to see many arguments about submitting to government. It was a difficult conversation between just about anyone. There were many sides on each point. In addition to the government, submission to someone is a part of our everyday lives. We hope to spark conversation about this touchy subject in a well thought out and respectful way. By now I'm sure you've discovered, we don't issue decrees of righteousness here. Our goal is to encourage and discuss. This is part 1 of a 2 part series. We hope you enjoy. Got an idea for a topic? Send us a message. We may even ask you to be on the podcast. Joe Ramirez: @workshop_joe (twitter/instagram) Tracie Shaw: @trixmclix (twitter/instagram) Across The Hall: @acrossthehallpod (instagram) Email: [email protected]
Listen "To Submit or Not to Submit - That is the Question Part 1"
More episodes of the podcast Across the Hall
- To Submit or Not to Submit - That is the Question Part 1
- Be intentional about discipling your kids - Part 2
- Be intentional about discipling your kids - Part 1
- Christianity and Perfection: What were we thinking?
- Life at a distance
- Work life balance or the lack there of
- You need to apologize to your kids.
- A kid and their first job
- Perfection - To be or not to be
- Do you have a mentor? Part 2
- Do you have a mentor? Part 1
- Let me introduce you to failure pt 2
- Let me introduce you to failure.
- Why don't I keep promises to myself?
- Welcome to Across the Hall. Nice to meet you.