Why blog? (session one, part two)

Why blog? (session one, part two)

Academic Blogging: Political Analysis in the Digital Age

04/04/2014 1:25PM

Episode Synopsis "Why blog? (session one, part two) "

Analysing the wider effects of blogging: what is at stake in contributing academic analysis on-line? Chair: Katharine Brooks (Deputy Graduate Editor, Politics in Spires, DPIR) William Dutton - Get Ready to Meet the Fifth Estate – how networked individuals and institutions are reshaping academe (Oxford Internet Institute), David Levy – Blogging, journalism and the consumption of news (Director, Reuters Institute for the study of Journalism) and Will de Frietas – Introduction to a new on-line academic publishing project – The Conversation (Business & Economy Editor, The Conversation)

Listen "Why blog? (session one, part two) "

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