Hello, everyone! This is Abby and I welcome you all to Abby’s Shelf – the podcast about my two cents in life and everything in between. The reason why I did start this podcast is that first, I wanted to explore the world of podcasting since I haven't had the chance to do so back when I was in college. Second, I wanted to share with you my learnings in life from bitter-sweet past experiences. And third, at this point in my life, I've realized how essential it is to always, always, always strive for self-development, which I believe a lot of you might find relatable since most of us are in pursuit of personal growth and how to's of adulting. And hopefully, through this podcast, we can learn from each other as we try to explore the things life has to offer. In each episode, we'll strive to learn how to make decisions, have will, and grit, and how to uncover your passions while staying true to your core. Hopefully, you'll enjoy the journey with me as I discuss topics popping open, and learn how beautiful life can be in its countless shades! A safe space for Millennials, GenZs, and those young people at heart! Excited to talk to you soon!