Episode Synopsis "Freedom, knowledge and society: the preconditions of ethical reasoning (Slides)"
Part 2 of 7 in Marianne Talbot's "A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners". In this episode we examine the preconditions of ethical reasoning and make a comparison between the law of the land and the moral law.
Listen "Freedom, knowledge and society: the preconditions of ethical reasoning (Slides)"
More episodes of the podcast A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners
- Rules, truths and theories: an introduction to ethical reasoning
- Rules, truths and theories: an introduction to ethical reasoning (Slides)
- Freedom, knowledge and society: the preconditions of ethical reasoning
- Freedom, knowledge and society: the preconditions of ethical reasoning (Slides)
- Virtue Ethics: virtue, values and character
- Virtue Ethics: virtue, values and character (Slides)
- Humean Ethics: Non-Cognitivism, the passions and moral motivation
- Humean Ethics: Non-Cognitivism, the passions and moral motivation (Slides)
- Deontology: Kant, duty and the moral law
- Deontology: Kant, duty and the moral law (Slides)
- Utilitarianism: Mill and the utility calculus
- Utilitarianism: Mill and the utility calculus (Slides)
- Making Up Your Mind
- Making Up Your Mind (Slides)
- Further reading and more... (Other Resource)