Faith Plus Works = FAKE NEWS - *Episode 20

Faith Plus Works = FAKE NEWS - *Episode 20

100% Forgiven Ministries w/ Gary Johnson

10/09/2020 7:48AM

Episode Synopsis "Faith Plus Works = FAKE NEWS - *Episode 20"

The year 2020 has been full of fake news. It's hard to know what to believe anymore. Sadly, this is the case with some Gospel preachers. Some people teach that faith in Jesus Christ is not enough to save a person. These people teach that a person must do some in addition to having faith in Christ to be saved or to remain saved. This right here is FAKE NEWS and it completely robs the Gospel of its liberty. During this discussion you will hear what Jesus and the apostle Paul have to say about how a person is saved. In addition to this, I share my personal convictions in the matter.

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