Choose a domain name, or change it!

In the past, when starting a business, we used to chose its domain name at last, but nowadays, many organizations start by choosing their website domain, then proceed to complete the company’s registration processes. In this note, ZARZA Engineers address certain details to help you choose a web domain or help you deciding to look for …

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Digital Natives: Children of today, Technologists of Tomorrow

Except of some digital natives in the late nineties, most born in the first decade of 2000, and overall all newborns of this current decade of 21st century, are known as Digital Natives… This time, our Engineers share from an adult perception, their thoughts on what’s been, what is, and what could we expect in …

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CAPTCHA for human verification!

CAPTCHA was born in response to the hacker threat, due to the creation of robots to bypass different systems. Nowadays, CAPTCHA usage is very popular on the Internet. In this note, our ZARZA Engineers discuss about this interesting topic, sharing specific and accurate information about it and it’s correct use, along with alternative recommended measures. …

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