Telecommuting for employees of trust

Telecommuting has become more popular in recent years due to facilities provided by the Information Technology, where now image, text and video can be shared, developed and distributed regardless the geographical location of our offices and facilities.

This has brought new challenges and opportunities for organizations, institutions and companies in general that have gone forward in a new era of employees management; however, like anything new it requires learning that we’ll detail for you today to provide you with useful information in case you’re thinking on implementing it in your represented, or well to rectify any errors if you have already started.

Telecommuting is not for all employees, but for your trusted ones.

Unfortunately, a portion of unqualified workers, and some professionals, see their work as a need, a duty, so they do their job with frustration because they failed throughout their life on reaching the comprehensive goals that would allow them to stand out in their fields, and therefore love what they do. For this kind of workers, telecommuting is not an appropriate option … At least from the point of view of the employer, who could lose money, and suffer cheating by unscrupulous employees.

Telecommuting should be the solution to an outstanding work that has managed to be as professionalized, that can be performed inside or outside our facilities without diverging over the organizational interests,and without to put in detriment the real reason why the position was opened for.

Due to the above, factors like time, performance, and professional ethics, are among others, essential factors for telecommuting, and what makes this option, an option for our employees of confidence.

How does the employer get benefits with telecommuting?

Organizations adopting telecommuting receive multiple benefits, facing the use of technologies, since their binding to an integrating stream of talent that now allows to count with the best professionals, without the constraints of geographical locations.


The benefits can be many and very significant, as long as we overcome the process of the candidate’s suitability.

The following are some of the main advantages that telecommuting offers to employers.

  • Physical Infrastructure: In the absence of the physical presence of workers in our facilities, the space they used to occupy in a cubicle, or office, may be destined for other administrative purposes, and/or commercial.
  • Related costs: Keeping a worker in our facilities requires investment in this supplies they consume, such as electricity, water, telephone lines, Internet, and others like stationery, etc.
  • Availability: By keeping workers through telecommuting stationed in different geographical areas, we can provide services on competitive conditions, continuing to work outside the office hours of our facilities.
  • Retention of the human resource: By giving trust to their workers of confidence, the employers are benefited with the longevity and experience of them, having better conditions than other company could offer, thus saving on training sessions and courses.
  • Reduces absenteeism: by being monitored, the employee is not forced to move in difficult weather conditions, so permissions due to diseases are reduced, as well as the unforeseen due to traffic congestion, and/or accidents of any kind on the way to our facilities.

As we can see the employer receives benefits faced to a new way of doing business, allowing them to invest their budget in infrastructure, deployable networks around their city, country or even around the world, giving workers the option of printing in their facilities, while being sat at home, among many other options that can be developed by your trusted Zarza Engineer.

The worker: attractive advantages of telecommuting

TelecommutingThe worker notices a reduction in costs and an increase in his schedule flexibility, by being able to start a job more focused on results and availability, and not as dependent on public or private transport, but that also allows him to keep more in contact with his personal interests.

Workers of confidence in a company, understand their role is important, and not being physically in the company or organization, their performance should talk for itself, and that gives them a motivation face to the responsibility that implies a position of confidence, where they may count with benefits acquired because of their professionalism, and that provides to him although stability, opportunities to grow.

Among the many benefits the worker acquires, we may list:

  • Lowers levels of stress and worry.
  • They have greater comfort when working from their own homes.
  • Reduces the lost time of going to and coming back from the employer’s facilities.
  • Eliminates parking problems and traffic jams.
  • Balances the importance between work, personal interests and family.
  • Gives employees the opportunity to work on day or night time, whenever they are more productive.
  • Increases the available money of the employees and reduces the cost of working outside home.
  • Increases privacy and reduces interruptions.
  • Gives greater control over the work environment and reduces conflicts among the staff.
  • Control on the environment such as temperature, light, comfort on desk and chairs, music and dressing.
  • Allows access to geographically remote opportunities, allowing city moving, and keep their jobs.
  • Provides greater accessibility for the disabled and handicapped workforce.

Some challenges of Telecommuting

TelecommutingAs an educational article, it is essential for us to make a small comparison between the “disadvantages” or challenges of telecommuting, for the community, the employer and the employee; and yet, most of these can be overcomed with the agreement of the parties, ethics and professionalism, and the proper use of technologies.

For the employee

  • The working environment might not be the indicated for working.
  • It may generate sedentarism if physical activities and/or active breaks are not made.
  • It may increase distractions within the family.
  • Loss of personal relationships with other workers in your area.
  • Sometimes unlimited shifts, including weekends.
  • Some people may feel isolated or lonely.

For the company

  • Loss of hierarchies, but that should not necessarily be a bad thing.
  • Monetary compensation may exceed the amount of the fixed salary, if negotiated as so.
  • Privacy breaches on the company’s data are open due to disloyal workers.
  • Lower employee’s loyalty to the company.
  • Physical isolation produces a lower worker participation in social activities of the company.

For society

  • Society is subsumed in distant and superficial relationships.
  • Not all workers have access or handle Information Technologies.
  • Efficiency of normatives in regards of work conditions and work environment is subtracted.
  • The use of public transportation is reduced, connectivity challenges increase.

The question is not whether it will be, but when should we do it?

Telecommuting is a modern way of doing businesses, it’s needful and able to provide many options for the competitors to cheaper their costs by offering services and products developed in cheaper environments than a conventional office.

At Zarza Corp we specialize in telecommuting, in both, creating Virtual Private Networks for information management, and also channels of effective monitoring of working time, the achievement of projects and the management of remote groups in support of business objectives.

Our worldwide Engineers are waiting to help you provide the next step, and why not, being soon a more competitive business or organization, with greater capacity and usage of your physical spaces, with records and reports that support your management.
