Weekly sermons from Zionsville United Methodist Church in Zionsville, IN. We are a community of people who gather in Christ’s name for worship, service, and study. Our mission is to live out the two great Commandments that Jesus gave his disciples: to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Each person in our church family is like you—full of hopes and dreams, needs and joys. We are all at various stages in our spiritual life. And that’s a good thing—the church is a place for all kinds of people, on all kinds of journeys. We aren’t all alike at Zionsville UMC, but we are united in living out our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. And we are committed to loving and supporting one another, wherever we might be in our walk with God. We hope this can be a place where you can find your place in God’s story!
Latest episodes of the podcast Zionsville United Methodist Church
- All Around the World, VBS 2024
- The Importance of Posture
- How to Win by Losing
- Ephesians, Part 6: A Common Strength
- Ephesians, Part 5: A Common Example
- Ephesians, Part 4: Common Hope
- Ephesians, Part 3: God’s Love is Vast Enough for Everyone
- Ephesians, Part 2: Common Grace
- Ephesians, Part 1: All God’s Blessings
- Faith Curious?
- Going Before Us - Easter Sunday
- Good Friday
- With Not For - Maundy Thursday
- Blessed Is He - Palm Sunday
- The Narrow Road, Part 6: The Sure Foundation
- The Narrow Road, Part 5: Do Not Judge
- The Narrow Road, Part 4: Do Not Worry
- The Narrow Road, Part 3: Pray Like Jesus
- The Narrow Road, Part 2: Love Your Enemy
- The Narrow Road, Part 1: The Path to Blessings
- The Remarkable Ordinary, Part 5: Faith Like a Child
- The Remarkable Ordinary, Part 4: Walking on Water
- The Remarkable Ordinary, Part 3: Feeding the Five Thousand
- The Remarkable Ordinary, Part 2: Calming the Storm
- The Remarkable Ordinary, Part 1: Hearing the Call
- Made New - Baptism Renewal