Episode Synopsis "The Absurd Origins and Development of a Nation - Thoughts from R Hirsch on Lech Lecha"
Listen "The Absurd Origins and Development of a Nation - Thoughts from R Hirsch on Lech Lecha"
More episodes of the podcast YUTORAH: R' Yechezkel Freundlich -- Recent Shiurim
- R' Hirsch on Avraham's bris juxtaposed to Sedom
- The Absurd Origins and Development of a Nation - Thoughts from R Hirsch on Lech Lecha
- The most important, if often ignored, passuk in Parshas Noach (R' Hirsch)
- Righteous Amongst the Wicked - Thoughts from Hirsch on Noach
- Dancing Through Tears - What a Holocaust survivor has to teach us on the Yahrtzeit of 1200
- What Does THIS Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah Mean to You (Post October 7th): Tikun Leil Hoshanah Rabbah at Young Israel of Woodmere
- The Gift of Shabbos 6
- The Gift of Shabbos 5
- The Gift of Shabbos 4
- The Gift of Shabbos 3