So the BIG question is this: "How do I get in the best shape possible, in the least amount of time, without turning my life completely upside down in the process?" That is the question, and this podcast is my journey to help 10,000 + people achieve their health and performance goals to make Life Worth Living. My name is Jeremy Whiteford and welcome to the Worth It Athlete Podcast!
Latest episodes of the podcast Worth It Athlete
- How To Improve Your Running QUICKLY
- How To Get Stronger While Focusing On Conditioning.
- My Ironman Obstacles And How To Crush Them
- The Next Big Challenge Out Of My Comfort Zone. Becoming IronMan
- Week 2 Day 4: The Quick And Dirty About Supplements
- Week 2 day 3: How To Get Hydrated On A Daily Basis.
- Week 2 Day 2: The Macro Fat
- Week 2 Day 1: How To Fuel For A Long Endurance Race
- Week 1 Day 4: When To Eat Carbs
- Week 1 Day 3: How To Get All Your Protein
- Week 1 Day 2: Finding YOUR Macros!
- Nutrition Week 1 Day 1: Consistency
- How To Get Better At “X” Workout
- Designed To Do - Eat Real Food and Workout
- Rely On Your Self Not Stuff
- Should I Make My Kid Workout
- Coming Back After Injury
- Lack Of Motivation And How To Get Out Of Your Funk
- Why We Get Fat - Food Quality AND Quantity.
- Performance Cheat Code
- Workout Of The Day And The Road To Maintenance Mode Sucks.
- Make Healthy Convenient Again!
- My First 14er And I Breathe Just As Hard As You.
- Day 4 Breckenridge- Why I Workout.
- Rucking To Build Mental Toughness
- Trying To Survive In The Mountains.
- What To Eat On Long Drive Or while Traveling.
- Why We NEED People
- Painful Workouts Vs. Working Out With Pain.
- Macros - The What, Why, and When.
- What the PEMF?
- Hydration Station! The How and Why Behind Hydration.
- My Sunday Recovery Session
- The Easiest Performance Training You’re Not Doing.
- Pizza Party Movie Night at 8.5% Body Fat
- Noses Are For Breathing: How to Develop Your Nasal Breathing In Workouts
- Worth it Wednesday: What’s Your Grit Score?
- Tuesday’s Training Tips: How to Train For Athletics be. Aesthetics and get the best of both worlds
- Mindset Monday: Are You Ready, Willing, and Able?!
- Sunday Study: Get Rid of Your Shoulder Pain With 2 Exercises
- Nutrition Tips: Protein
- Mindset Training: Prioritize Your Goals Or Change Them.
- Lifestyle Tips: Shut Yo’ Mouth and Go To Sleep
- Training Tips: Calculation for faster conditioning results!
- Nutrition Tips: 3 Simple And Sustainable Rules To Drop Body Fat
- Fitness Tips: Rest Days Can Change Your LIFE. Seriously...
- Training tips: How to train less and get MORE or FASTER results than your friends.
- Sea Stories: Attacked By A Wood Chipper
- Thinking Out Loud: Simple Yet Effective Nutrition
- Thinking Out Loud: Mind telling you yes but your body’s telling you nooOooO
- Thinking Out Loud: Mindset Muscle Building
- Thinking Out Loud: In the beginning