A selection of interesting sermons, and talks from various church leaders and pastors, including visiting speakers and worship leaders. All recorded at Weymouth Baptist Church in Weymouth, Dorset, UK. For more details please visit the church website at www.weychurch.co.uk where you will find a wealth of information and resources.
Latest episodes of the podcast Weymouth Baptist Church - weychurch
- Being a Disciple (3)
- Being a Disciple (2)
- Being a Disciple (1)
- Getting Christmas Right
- When Joseph's Dream Became A Nightmare
- Getting Back Our Cutting Edge
- Ordinary People Who Made An Extraordinary Difference
- A Good Hope?
- Remembering
- Elijah's Altar
- Connecting with God
- Leading in Adversity
- The Expression of Confession
- Demonstrating Love in Adversity
- Being Steadfast in Adversity
- Harvests In Unusual Places
- God Hears Your Prayers
- Love - Coats, plus Testimonies
- What's The Condition Of Your Heart?
- How to Fortify Your Mind
- The Twelve Stones of the Breastplate
- Revelation
- The New Testament Letters
- From Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth
- The Holy Spirit Comes
- The Resurrection of Jesus
- The Cross of Jesus
- Wonders of the Kingdom
- Signs of the Kingdom - "I am" Sayings
- Parables of the Kingdom
- Sermon on the Mount: Spirit Not Law
- Incarnation: Jesus Christ
- The Beginning of the Gospel
- We Need Another Pentecost
- Restoration - Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai:- Overcoming Disappointment
- Daniel And Israel
- Minor Prophets
- Major Prophets
- Kings and Prophets
- Solomon, Proverbs and Jesus
- David - An Eternal Throne
- Ruth/Boaz