Welcome to the Push Mindset

Welcome to The Push Mindset! My name is Mesha and I am a Pushologist! I heard you say "What is that?" Happy you ask, I am gifted in helping people move or transition from one place to another! I wanted to create a space for people who just wanted more!!! A place to begin to dream and have a conversation with God. My passion is to encourage, motivate, guide, and PUSH other's to find their inner confidence to answer their personal life's call. I believe if you live in a question long enough and ask God for His Intentional Purpose for your life... He will give you the answer and make you a part of His solution for salvation. Along my path and journey to find the answer to the meaning of life and the universe, I have had hardtimes, crazy circumstances that dont make sense, felt alone, and experienced a lot of losses. But, God allowed every heartbreak to shape me into His flight of design. I finally found my shape and I know what I am fitted to do! I landed in the place where I belong to help PUSH you through your journey and expand your thinking to the next level! Get ready and pick up your faith! You landed in the PushMind Set!!!

Welcome to the Push Mindset

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