Wape daily Bible reading and happy life travels and experiences and goodies... Cover art photo provided by Aaron Burden on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@aaronburden
Latest episodes of the podcast Wape Daily Bible Chapters
- John 1-21 Bible
- Luke 1-24 Bible
- Mark 1-16 Bible
- Matthew 1-28 Bible Jesus
- Malachi 1-4 Bible
- Zechariah 1-14 Bible
- Haggai 1-2 Bible
- Zephaniah 1-3 Bible
- Habakkuk 1-3 Bible
- Nahum 1-3 Bible
- Micah 1-7 Bible
- Jonah 1-4 Bible
- Obadiah Bible
- Amos 1-9 Bible
- Joel 1-3 Bible
- Hosea 1-14 Bible
- Daniel 1-12 Bible
- Ezekiel 1-48 Bible
- Lamentations 1-5 Bible
- Jeremiah 1-52 Bible
- Isaiah 1-66 Bible
- Song of Songs 1-8 Bible
- Ecclesiastes 1-12 Bible
- Proverbs 1-31 Bible
- Psalms 1-150 Bible
- Job 1-42. Bible Old Testament
- Esther 1-10 Bible
- Nehemiah 1-13 Bible
- Ezra 1-10 Bible
- 2 Chronicles Bible Old Testament
- 1 Chronicles 1-29 Bible Old Testament
- 2 Kings 1-25 Bible Old Testament
- 1 Kings 1-22 Bible Old Testament
- 2 Samuel 1-24 Bible Old Testament
- 1 Samuel 1-31 Bible Old Testament
- Ruth Bible Old Testament
- Judges Old Testament Bible
- Joshua Old Testament Bible
- Deuteronomy Moses journey
- Numbers Bible NIV
- Leviticus Bible NIV
- Exodus Moses and more
- Genesis 1 to 50 Old Testament Bible
- Revelations Eden is back.
- 1 John , 2 John , Jude
- 1 & 2 Peter Books of Bible
- James in the Bible
- Hebrews New Testament
- Philemon NIV
- Titus NIV
- 1st and 2nd Timothy
- 2 Thessalonians NIV Bible
- Thessalonians NIV Bible
- Colossians NIV Book in Bible
- Philippians NIV Book in Bible
- Ephesians NIV Book in Bible Letters to Ephesus
- Galatians NIV Book in Bible
- 1 and 2 Corinthians NIV Book in Bible Life
- Romans NIV Book in the Bible
- Acts Book in Bible NIV
- Book of John Bible NIV
- Luke10 The Parable of the Good Samaritan
- Taipei Travel Life