F. Anstey was the nom de plume of Thomas Anstey Guthrie, a Londoner who was trained for the bar but found success as a writer of humorous pieces for Punch and humorous novels. Voces Populi, a collection of his Punch pieces, is considered to be among his best works. He treats an array of situations from the charlatan conjuror to a row over a lady's large, obstructive hat at the music hall.
Latest episodes of the podcast Voces Populi by F. Anstey
- An Evening with a Conjuror
- At the Tudor Exhibition
- In an Omnibus
- At a Sale of High Class Sculpture
- At the Guelph Exhibition
- At the Royal Academy
- At the Horse Show
- At a Dance
- At the British Museum
- The Travelling Menagerie
- At the Regent Street Tussauds
- At the Military Exhibition
- At the French Exhibition
- In the Mall on Drawing Room Day
- At a Parisian Cafe Chantant
- At a Garden Party
- At the Military Tournament
- Free Speech
- The Riding Class
- The Impromptu Charade Party
- A Christmas Romp
- On the Ice
- In a Fog
- Bricks Without Straw
- At a Music Hall
- A Recitation Under Difficulties
- Bank Holiday
- A Row in the Pit; or The Obstructive Hat