Vital. One. +++. T. +. F. +. J. +++

Yo what up it's me vital one the actual MC of the decade he's here that still steamrolling competition I'm still exact on everything I say I'm still the badass of the compound I'm still the kid that changes his life for the better and hopefully in the eyes of God and I'm actually out there trying to make a difference to try and let everybody know who I really am with my real side is to be personified and be actually respected for who I am for real but we have a lot of controversy and conflict of interest and a lot of crashing of the Titans I guess you could say if you will has come and made my journey well I guess I should say our journey a slight rubble effect which will not go and noticed as you guys can all tell every time you keep watching me in my life and you keep watching how I grow watching evolve my life when it turns around for the better these albums have brought me a self-assurance of sanity affect that I cannot take for granted and my music is actually for all of you people and I am reassured on this because I just keep going and I keep going and I keep going and I keep going and I keep going with my rhymes with these with these with these songs that actually are done on a home studio but they still actually have some value to them which means a lot in the eyes of the people that are actually real around here and around wherever you're at around the world people come from all walks of life and everybody has their balance and no who vital one is where did he come from and all this crazy nonsense and dipping into my life or better yet dipping into my mind stage I guess you could say it has a level of karma attached to it that we have to all take it to effect so I'm starting to think that as I'm laying these prologues down to my album and then it's like a short little prayer forgot or something not for forgot for God that's what I meant to say so now I say to you all welcome to this album the freestyle junction and give it a sure shot listing listening is what I meant to say and here we go this is vital one big boss Incorporated CEO let's go kick some ass

Vital. One. +++. T. +. F. +. J. +++

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