To unite believers to experience God's abundant love and to help people overcome challenges, obstacles, and setbacks by equipping people with biblical principles to achieve the abundant life that God has for them.- With Norris and Teretha Beckley- Produced by Richland Beckley (MusicLand Studios)For more information: email: [email protected]
Latest episodes of the podcast United In Christ Ministry
- Having A Chirst-like Mindset (Feat. Blake Lawyer)
- Walking By Faith (Feat. Cory Maddox)
- Having Faith In The Time Of Unrest
- How God Can Transform Ft. Wendell Stone
- Rising Up To The Call Of God In 2022
- Abundant Progress
- Abundance Of Spring
- Seizing The Moment (PART 2)
- Seizing The Moment (PART 1)
- Valentine's Day Special
- God's Abundant Love
- God's Abundant Faithfulness (PART 2)
- God's Abundant Faithfulness (PART 1)
- God's Abundant Grace
- Living Life In Abundance
- Living Life In Abundance