We are the diverse community of Underwood. We are families. We are singles. We are married couples. We use walkers. We are Boomers, Busters, X-ers, and Boomlets. We are toddlers. We are teenagers. We are veterans. We are residents. We have been Baptist, Catholic, Episcopalian, and agnostics. We grew up churched and unchurched. We grew up fundamentalist. We grew up liberal. We come from many nations and many ethnic backgrounds. If you would like to find out more about our church and the people that make it up, please come to one of our services Sunday mornings at 10am.
Latest episodes of the podcast Underwood Church's Podcast
- Episode 173: UnderwoodCast 08-08-24: "Be Angry (without sinning)" Ephesians 4:1-6 & 25-32
- Episode 172: UnderwoodCast 07-28-24: "A Place of Healing" Mark 6:53-56
- Episode 171: UnderwoodCast 07-21-24: "The House of the Lord" 2 Samuel 7:1-14
- Episode 170: UnderwoodCast 07-07-24: "Well Done Good and Faithful Servant" Luke 19:11-27
- Episode 169: UnderwoodCast 06-23-24: "A Place Where All Are Welcome" Luke 15:11-31
- Episode 168: UnderwoodCast 05-26-24 "Here I Am, Send Me" Isaiah 6:1-8
- Episode 167: UnderwoodCast 05-19-24: "Dry Bones" Ezekial 37:1-14
- Episode 166: UnderwoodCast 05-12-24: "120 Persons" Acts 1:15-17, 21-26
- Episode 165: UnderwoodCast 05-05-24: "Love Part Three: Abide" John 15:9-17
- Episode 164: UnderwoodCast 04-28-24: "Love: Part Two" 1 John 4:7-21
- Episode 163: UnderwoodCast 04-21-24: "The Heart of Christianity" 1 John 3:16-24
- Episode 162: UnderwoodCast 04-14-24: "Sheep and Shepherds" John 10:11-18
- Episode 141: UnderwoodCast 07-24-22: "Patti Frank Testimonial" Matthew 18:21-35