Thomas Massie, Jodey Arrington, Brent Keilen, Chris Mitchell

Today’s show features: Thomas Massie, U.S. Representative for the 4th District of Kentucky, to discuss the impact that pro-life issues will have on Kentucky’s elections. Jodey Arrington, U.S. Representative for the 19th District of Texas, on President Trump beginning to formally withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Accord, and the resolution he introduced in support of the president’s decision. Brent Keilen, Vice President of FRC Action, to discuss today’s elections in Kentucky, Virginia, and other areas around the country. Chris Mitchell, Middle East Bureau Chief for CBN News, to discuss the latest on the situation in Syria and the Israeli elections.

Thomas Massie, Jodey Arrington, Brent Keilen, Chris Mitchell

Latest episodes of the podcast Thomas Massie, Jodey Arrington, Brent Keilen, Chris Mitchell