The Joe and Mable Show | Advertising | Internet Marketing | Safelists

Joe and Mable looks like a fun place to relax and learn. It is. But it is also grounded on a practical business model. The shows entertainment component gives it world wide appeal. People love to be entertained. The explosion in recent years on television of sitcoms and soap operas is evidence of a growing need to escape from the pressures of daily life and just kick your shoes of and relax for a while. Joe and Mable is a sitcom for the marketing and business world and for people who just need to have a bit of fun each day. People from all walks of life visit with us every week. They include marketers, business owners, opportunity seekers and people who just want to relax and have fun for a while. We even have small children memorizing Mable's song and we think that's a hoot.

The Joe and Mable Show | Advertising | Internet Marketing | Safelists

Latest episodes of the podcast The Joe and Mable Show | Advertising | Internet Marketing | Safelists