The Historic Recurrence Of The World and Iran

History is always repeating and in fact, no one has ever put the history that we had, in front of the history that we have today. But there were also those who had knowledge of this and enough boldness to display it. For example, a Spanish philosopher and poet, George Santayana said: “Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it.” His words make us consider – are we really repeating history? Looking for the answer to this question, I have been studying many of the world’s most authoritative sources for years. Historically, rulers always had a limit on people’s access to the truths of the past, they wrote whatever they wanted in historical books, controlled the publications used in schools, and introduced their own enemies and friends. I am a motive force who has a lot of desire to transfer what he knows, although the history is very deep and long, but a summary of it can be read. Therefore, I will try to write from the beginning of the history of ancient Iran and even before the Achaemenid Empire. Why do people say that Iran is the cradle of civilization in the world? What is civilization? When and how was Iran created? To answer these questions I traveled to Khuzestan and Hamedan to take some photos to publish with these writings. In fact, 5000 years ago, Susa in Khuzestan was the capital of the first Iranian civilization, Elamite. Keep in mind that what I write is the result of my studies of world-renowned sources and none of the resources that have been written in favour of modern and contemporary governments have been involved.

 The Historic Recurrence Of The World and Iran

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