The Gospel of John : By Eric Elias Flores

I am by no means an expert in theology, I hold no degrees from any Bible college, nor do I have years of experience in theological study or ministry. In fact I have only known the Lord Jesus for about 2 years. However, I am in an area were there are very few Christians, and I am simply doing what I believe God is leading me to do. I hold a small bible study every monday and do the best I can by God's grace. My name is Eric and I invite you to listen in as i attempt to teach through the Gospel of John. During the Bible studies i used visual aids to help compliment the teaching. I have made these power points and word documents available to download at For any questions regarding the content email me at [email protected]

The Gospel of John : By Eric Elias Flores

Latest episodes of the podcast The Gospel of John : By Eric Elias Flores