The Frank Comfort Show

The Frank Comfort Show: With an eclectic taste of music & an opinion on almost everything, Looprevil brings you a talk show with a difference. Frank Comfort takes life in his stride & has strange ideas which he is not afraid to voice, keeping him on track is Isobel, who tries to make sense of everything. The resident Texan brings, from across the pond, comedy to the show, with his American views on the English & his songs to boot. Here in Liverpool the uni generation is in search for a scene, a scene that explains it all and isn't afraid, that is what Frank Comfort is here for, to build a creative collective & a generation which is more about soul than the latest trend. Our resident Texan is possibly the 11th wonder of the world. What is this foreign cowboy on about? So let’s just make it known to man, woman & party goers all across the North West that radio will never be the same & fun facts will evolve into stellar opinions in political discussion. I kid you not; the balls of this city will drop when this radio revolution kicks off, so stand by us. We'll look at out the niche & humble abode you call student living in laughter & in all seriousness. For we are all in the same boat, all poor, all picking pennies for our next drink. We all have that one thing in common. We are the hated & the loved.

The Frank Comfort Show

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