The Artsy Aussie

It brings me great joy that my work is spreading around the globe. Perhaps you will find a resonance with my work also. I was born and raised in Australia. I spent much of my life on the beautiful white sand beaches! There I was fortunate enough to see the spectacular, breathtakingly beautiful color and light frequently on display at sunset and sunrise. The way the light moved on the water and reflected off everything left its impression on me. I moved to the United States many years ago and have called the mountains home ever since. I find the life, color and feeling here to hold equal beauty and inspiration. I have a deep fascination and respect for the energy of our world and how it connects us all. How we in turn effect each other. I feel deep connection with color, light and texture when working and feel inspired to paint what I see and feel in my dreams and heart.

The Artsy Aussie

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