We memorize and meditate on scripture to strengthen ourselves in the Lord. We want to delight in God's word and stand on his promises so that we can develop true strength in Him.
Latest episodes of the podcast Strong Hearts
- 61: Psalm 84:4
- 60: Psalm 84:3
- 59: Psalm 84:2
- 58: Psalm 84:1
- 57: BONUS - How To Have A Better Prayer Time - Part 2
- 56: BONUS - How To Have A Better Prayer Time - Part 1
- 55: Luke 6:27-36 - Part 2 - The power to love your enemy
- 54: Luke 6:27-36 - Part 1 - Love Your Enemies
- 53: Luke 6:12 - 16 - Prayer and Decisions
- 52: Luke 5:33 - 39 - Grace and Law
- 51: Luke 5:17 - 26 - Your Sins Are Forgiven
- 50: Luke 5:27 - 31 - Love that has no limits
- 49: Luke 5:12 - 16 - Making The Unclean, Clean
- 48: Luke 5:1-11 - Obeying God's Directions
- 47: Psalm 51:12