Spreadin the baseball news with Larry

Hi Folks, I am Larry. I have been a baseball fan my entire life. Being a native New Yorker, I grew up rooting for the Yankees. I have seen many memorable (and many meaningless) games over the decades, in person and on tv. Baseball is the humbling of all sports! I will talk about baseball, CPBL, NY Yankees, and Taiwanese baseball culture and the great things about Taiwan from my perspective. Hope you all will like it, and please feel free to share any baseball topics with me! 大家好我是Larry,從小就是個棒球迷,身為土生土長的紐約客,更是個不折不扣的洋基球迷。在我數十年的球迷生涯中,我親眼見證過無數個洋基王朝的經典戰役,當然也看過很多令人無言的比賽。 我曾經住過台灣,也到過台灣旅遊數十次。在接下來,我希望用我的角度與大家聊聊中華職棒、紐約洋基、台灣的棒球文化以及所有台灣美好的事。希望大家會喜歡,也歡迎跟我一起聊棒球!

Spreadin the baseball news with Larry

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