Lets talk about humanity and live on planet earth. Open your senses feel the surrounding this is it! Religion culture society should empower you as an addition to your human expereince and not burden you with limitations guilt and manipulation. Soul interaction, not human, let your soul interact with me. Remember, we all came from one source, we are all the same and no caste creed gender can change the reality that we all are humans have same expereinces and want same things. Lets keep it always real.
Latest episodes of the podcast Soul interaction with Grace
- Sristhi agarwal talks about importance of blogging in future of fashion industry.
- Nawab Khan and Music therapy. How music is relevant to fashion and ways to conquer stress musically.
- Puneet Khatri a very detailed person when it comes to situation and details.
- Puneet Khatri a senior gem from fashiom industry from labour issue to his stragety for pandemic.
- In soul conversation with Mr.Lokesh Parashar Talking about ”New world order” and much more
- Epiode 2 Krishna Das talks world
- Introduction to my world of thoughts and freshness of life
- Soul interaction with Grace (Trailer)