Shmoneh Esrei

The Shmoneh Esrei is the centerpiece of our daily  prayers. A person who davens regularly will say these prayers tens of thousands of times in their lifetime (if not more!). But do we really know what these words mean? There are a lot of things we say in the Shmoneh Esrei that really aren't so obvious what they're doing here. Why are these the things the we pray for on a daily basis? Why did the Rabbis decide to lay out the brachot in the way they did, and in this particular order? Join Rabbi Fohrman and writer Ami Silver as they unpack the text of the Shmoneh Esrei and attempt to uncover what this prayer is all about. In this session, they begin with a general introduction to the Shmoneh Esrei and delve into the first of the bakashot (requests), the bracha of chonen ha-da'at. I think you'll see that there is much more here than meets the eye.

Shmoneh Esrei

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