Welcome to Runeterra Randomness: the extensively encyclopedic, firmly formatted, purposeful podcast, with awful alliteration. We take a look at the gameplay, news and other randomness that has to do with the game and TCG games in general.
Latest episodes of the podcast Runeterra Randomness
- RR 11: "We Are Live"
- RR 10: "CurveTerra"
- RR 9: "Crimson Decks and Conquest Tournaments"
- RR 8: "The Quest for the Perfect Poro Deck"
- RR 7: "Patch 0.9.2"
- RR 6: "Meta be a Changing"
- RR 5: "Elusive Elnuks"
- RR 4: "Braggadocious"
- RR 3: "Childlike Wonder"
- RR 2: "Bad Boys, whatchya gonna do?"
- RR 1: "Runeterra for dummies"