Follows the adventures of a 52-year-old who starts running one day and in less than a year signs up for her first marathon. The story-telling style is a mix of training sessions and anecdotes of adventures, milestones and other mishaps.
Latest episodes of the podcast Run Desi Run
- Run Desi Run 10: The Barossa
- Run Desi Run 9: Because boobs bounce
- Run Desi Run 8: Buzzing like a Bee
- Run Desi Run 7: F**k the voices in my head…
- Run Desi Run 6: Decide. Commit. Succeed.
- Run Desi Run 5: Keep passing the open windows…
- Run Desi Run 4: Food Glorious Food
- Run Desi Run 3: Accessorise to compensate for adolescent SNAFU
- Run Desi Run 2: There’s a lot to be said about curves…
- Run Desi Run 1: What happens in Bali…
- Run Desi Run 0: Prologue