Episode Synopsis "Chapter 2: A Bottom-Up Hierarchy"
Listen "Chapter 2: A Bottom-Up Hierarchy"
More episodes of the podcast Ruler of the Nations: Biblical Principles for Government - Reconstructionist Radio (Audiobook)
- What Are Biblical Blueprints?
- APPENDIX – The Christian Origins of American Civil Government
- Chapter 13: Reconstructing Civil Government
- Chapter 12: Reconstructing Family Government
- PART 2: RECONSTRUCTION – Chapter 11: Reconstructing Church Government
- Conclusion
- Chapter 10: Rebuilding Takes Time
- Chapter 9: Judges Need Jurisdiction
- Chapter 8: Neutrality Is a Myth
- Chapter 7: We Must Render Appropriate Service
- Chapter 6: Jesus Alone Possesses Divine Rights
- Chapter 5: Call No Man Your Father
- Chapter 4: God Judges the Nations
- Chapter 3: Plural Law Systems, Plural Gods
- Chapter 2: A Bottom-Up Hierarchy
- Chapter 1: God Is Sovereign, Not Man
- PART 1: BLUEPRINTS – Author’s Introduction
- Editor’s Introduction and Foreword by John Whitehead