Latest episodes of the podcast Rich Kollenberg's Podcast
- Living by the Spirit
- The Gospel and the Church
- Freedom In Christ
- The Road to Faith
- From Slaves to Heirs
- The Priority of the Promise
- Old Testament Faith
- The Unity of the Gospel
- Self Esteem
- Relationships
- Every Member Ministry
- Defining Evangelism and Witnessing
- Emotions
- The Promise of His Return
- Creation Care
- Lord of the Sabbath
- The Holiness of God
- The Two Covenants
- Worship in the Early Church
- In Spirit and In Truth
- Worship: From Exile to Restoration
- Trust Not in Deceptive Words: The Prophets and Worship
- Nature as a Source of Health
- Freedom from Addiction
- Jealousy
- Depression
- Good Thinking
- The Man of God: Obedience Is Not Optional
- Rizpah: The Influence of Faithfulness
- Jonathan: Born for Greatness
- Story and History