A podcast about young successful creatives and entrepreneurs. We talk about the untold stories of failures, ideas, what happens behinds the scenes, the hard work you don't post and the steps they took to get there. Follow us: @restlesspodcast Hosted & Produced by Elia Esparza @eliaesparzamusic Recorded at Beacon Hill Recording Studios @beaconhillrecordingstudios
Latest episodes of the podcast Restless Podcast
- David Chen - Venture Capitalist, Entrepreneur, Featured on Forbes, SXSW, Real Struggles of Success
- Tania Peregrino - Co-Founder of Don Carbon, Non Profit, Creative Soul, Finding Purpose in Life
- Jovy Castillo - Personal Trainer, Wellness Journey, Becoming a Nutritionist + Breast Augmentation
- Gesuina Legaspy - How She Started Gal Fashion, Being a Boss, Misconceptions + Philanthropy