Reading The Word Of God

Reading the Word Of God as it is written, so Yahweh can speak through His Written Word. The Word of God gives life and light to humanity who are walking in darkness, living in despair and hopelessness. The Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword. It can penetrate the heart and mind to the very core of your being. The word of God can create, it can heal, deliver, and set the captive free. The Word of God is unique, different from any other book. The thing you need to discover and realize is that every number, every place name, every detail in the 66 books of the Bible is there by deliberate design and that's something you need to discover for yourself, because once you discover that, it changes your perspective in regarding the integrity of the Bible as the Inspired, infallible and inherent Word of God. God reveal Himself with His word and through his word. It’s the word that creates, and God said, let there be… and there was…. It is that same word that was in the beginning, and put on flesh to become a human being in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. This same Jesus said, these words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. So Jesus, the eternal word, became the living Word and spoke the logos word to give us life.

Reading The Word Of God

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