Rational Scientific Method Podcast

Too long has physics been mired with the irrationality of moving, acting, abstract concepts. Nobody understands Quantum and Relativity and other mathemagical hocus pocus, not because of their own shortcomings but because the theories are inherently IRRATIONAL. We have been led to these irrational conclusions because we've all been taught that Science is about predicting, testing, then repeating the whole thing over and over til you make the right predictions. This guess and check method couldn't be farther from the Rational Scientific Method. Here at the RSM, we understand that Science is a method for rationally explaining phenomena- not just predicting it. Welcome to the only group in the world that can rationally explain HOW gravity, light, magnetism, electricity, ect. works and what objects physically mediate such phenomena. Please join our discussion group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RationalScientificMethod/

Rational Scientific Method Podcast

Latest episodes of the podcast Rational Scientific Method Podcast