Sunday Celebration Service at New Song Christian Fellowship in Louisville KY
Latest episodes of the podcast New Song Louisville
- Practicing the Way of Jesus, pt 7
- Practicing the Way of Jesus, pt 6
- Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly
- Practicing the Way of Jesus, pt 5
- Practicing the Way of Jesus, pt 4
- What is Wisdom?
- Practicing the Way of Jesus, pt 3
- Practicing the Way of Jesus, pt 2
- Practicing the Way of Jesus, pt 1
- Jesus' Favorites
- Worship or Worry
- Authentic Faith, pt 6
- Authentic Faith, pt 5
- Thankful Sunday
- How do YOU measure success?
- Authentic Faith, pt 4
- Authentic Faith, pt 3
- Authentic Faith, pt 2
- The Situation in our Nation
- Authentic Faith, pt 1