The Morning Office for Families. Create a rythm of prayer of starting your day with prayer and scripture reading with your family. Adapted from the Divine Hours Morning office andHosted by Sanctuary Church in tulsa, OK.
Latest episodes of the podcast Morning Family Prayer Podcast
- Ordinary Time Episode 7
- Ordinary Time Prayer 6
- Ordinary Time Prayer 5
- Ordinary Time Prayer #4
- Ordinary Time #3
- Ordinary Time Episode #2
- OrdinaryTime Prayer 1
- Advent Prayer Week 4
- Advent Prayer Week 3
- Advent Prayer Week 2
- Advent Prayer Week 1
- Tuesday Prayer 10/5/29
- Friday 10/
- Tuesday Prayer 10/29/19
- Monday Prayer 10/28/19
- Friday Prayer 10/25/19
- Thursday prayer 10/24/19
- Thursday Prayer 10/17
- Wednesday Prayer. 10/16/19
- Tuesday Prayer 9/15/19