This podcast will be recorded at night . When our minds are most active . Where Im posting up episodes of all my thoughts and ideas . On various aspects of life . Including romantic relationships , families and how we can make sense of the world we now live in with now .
Latest episodes of the podcast Midnight Mind
- People Pleasing
- Time to focus on the good stuff
- How to detach from people and things and still enjoy life without the fear of losing them
- Control our negative reactions . To control our lives. 💕Claire
- What other people think about you at any given moment , Is none of your buisness .
- Living with Regret
- Pollyanna ( inner critic )
- Letting Go
- Working with your inner child
- How do we protect ourselves from negative people .
- Stop believing your not good enough based on other peoples perceptions of you .
- Rejection and heartbreak
- Relationships Ending . How to deal with the fall out .
- Late night thoughts ...Forgiveness
- Interview with johnny steele
- Releasing Negativity
- Clearing away toxic energy from other people