Sermons from Messiah's Sunday morning and midweek services
Latest episodes of the podcast Messiah Lutheran Church
- Your Miracle is on the Way
- What Really Matters?
- At Your Word
- Love Never Fails
- Bible Building
- The Last is the Best
- The True Story
- No Middle Way
- No One Expects
- The One We're Waiting For
- Treasure Worth Refining
- Let it be in Your Mind. Watch!
- The Gift of Time
- God's Intentional Amnesia
- Sheepish Life
- All Saints Street
- The Righteousness of God
- Threading the Needle
- The Best of Times
- Life in the Wilderness
- Who is the Greatest?
- Wrestling with God
- Put on the Full Armor of God
- A Picture of Christ's Love
- Words to Cherish
- Getting Along
- Eating for Eternal Life
- Never Again
- Still a Work In Progress
- Adopted as Sons Means Chosen
- More Than a Miracle
- Who Then is This?
- Life in the Middle
- Third Sunday of Pentecost
- Trinity Sunday
- The Other Lord's Prayer
- You Have Overcome the World
- The Good Shepherd, Not a Hired Hand
- Believing Without Seeing
- No Joke
- What's In It For Me?
- Our Bronze Snake
- God's Wisdom Makes All the Difference
- Be Prepared to Lose
- Tempted for You
- The Transfiguration
- Authentic Christianity
- Authority for Good
- Life in the Gutter
- His Blessings Flow Far as the Curse Is Found!
- December 31st, 2023
- December 24th, 2023
- Comfort Highway
- It Starts with Us
- For His Brothers and Sisters
- A Matter of Ownership
- The Graverobber Is Coming
- Are You Ready?
- Who Gets to Stay at the Banquet?
- The Elusive Third Child
- Generosity, Not Fairness
- If You Were King
- Crumby Faith
- Take Courage, It is I
- Come, It's Free
- Priceless Treasure
- The Holy Spirit Brings us to the Glory
- The Reckless Sower
- The King Shall Come
- It's all about Jesus for You
- The Eternal Red Carpet Rolled for You
- The Lord’s Compassion
- Mercy For All
- Right Outcome - Wrong Order
- Unfinished Pentecost
- Be Glad about the Ascension
- Do you Love Me?
- Room for You
- Believing Without Seeing
- Fear Not
- Who is This?
- Good Grief
- Seeing in the Dark
- Words that Transform
- Making the Impossible Possible
- We're with Jesus
- Following the Leader
- What God Has Freely Given
- Want to Pick a Personality?
- Jesus at the Center
- Baptized to Stand in the Place of Sinners
- Not A Dealbreaker
- Change Agent
- The Day Is Almost Here!
- Escaping the Terrors of that Day
- The Price We Pay for Love
- The Righteousness of God
- Because It Hurts Our Relationship with God