The Legacies Podcast is an AOIV Network podcast that is dedicated to the CW's show, "Legacies". On this podcast we recap every episode and freak out over all of our supernatural friends/enemies. The hosts of the show are: Abel (@abelozuna4), Chloe (@banemikaelson17) and Ashlee (@Dancing_Kiwi_89)
Latest episodes of the podcast Legacies Podast
- Legacies S1 Ep 13 and 14
- Legacies S1E12 "There's A Mummy On Main Street" Recap
- Legacies S1 E11 "We're Going To Need A Spotlight" Recap
- Legacies S1 E10 "There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True" Recap
- Legacies S1 E9 "What Was Hope Doing In Your Dreams" Recap
- Legacies S1 E8 "Maybe I Should Start At The End" Recap
- Legacies 1x6 and 1x7 Recap
- Legacies S1E5 "Malivore" Recap
- Legacies S1E4 "Hope is not the goal" Recap
- Legacies S1E2 & E3 Recap
- Legacies S1E1 "This Is The Part You Run" Recap
- Legacies Podcast: Our Introduction