Learning to dance in the rain Podcast

Hi there, I have started this initiative to share my own story and how I have learned - and still practicing- how to dance in the rain. I am all about value creation with people and I get truly happy when I can see someone's growing. As a people & organisation strategist my entire career has been about 'growing pains'. Because people can change and companies don't... they actually changes as a result of change in behavior ;-) I'd love to share my biggest passion with all of you. Through this podcast I offer you an alternative look on the reality you are facing and together I help you to get your power back. Giving you everything you need to -myself growing- supporting anyone facing 'growing pains'. We often don't get to choose what life 'gives' us AND we do have the possibility to decide how we handle and learn to embrace it. I truly hope that via this love and care - with insights and alternative views, from me to you - I get to help you in finding your true self and leaving nothing to chance to become your best version! Lots of love, Kim

Learning to dance in the rain Podcast

Latest episodes of the podcast Learning to dance in the rain Podcast