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Latest episodes of the podcast Learn Haitian Creole LLC
- Ti maliz ak dyab
- We need your help.
- Let's learn some vocabulary & some phrases
- Conversation with the kids in Haitian creole
- Collocation with the word
- Lilin ak tiyaya
- Presentations.
- Numbers in creole / Counting from 40 to 60
- Numbers in creole / Counting from 10 to 20.
- Numbers in creole /Counting from 0 to 10.
- E-N and O-N sounds
- Nasal sounds with an accent mark in creole
- The months of the year.
- The days of the week and How to use them in sentences in creole.
- 5Expressions You Should Know In Creole, French, And English.
- Pronunciation Differences between Haitian Creole and English. Part 6 #apran
- Learn Haitian Creole : Pronunciation Differences between Haitian Creole and English. Part5
- Pronunciation Differences between Haitian Creole and English.
- Pronunciation Differences between Haitian Creole and English.
- Learn Haitian Creole : Pronunciation Differences between O and Ò.Part 3
- Pronunciation Differences between Haitian Creole and English. Part 7
- Pronunciation Differences between Haitian Creole and English. Part 5
- Pronunciation Differences between Haitian Creole and English. Part 4
- Pronunciation Differences between E and È. Part 2
- How to great people and to answer
- Introduction To HaitianCreole,Encouragement, and tips on how to speakcreole