Jason Sanders

Forget genre boxes, Jason Sanders builds sonic labyrinths. In Oxymoronatron, he crafts driving rock that melts into introspective electronica, all held together by infectious grooves and his uncanny knack for melody. But here's the twist: Jason's musical adventure spills beyond the band. He's a solo bard, weaving tales with his voice, brushstrokes of sound painting vivid worlds like "Cleaning for Halloween." From shadows dancing with light to the raw depths of the human soul, his music draws you in, mesmerized by the ordinary turned strangely alluring. And then there's 2016. A leap year, a sonic odyssey. Fueled by an extra day, Jason wrote a song a day for 366 days – a treasure trove of musical gems yet to be unearthed, whispers of future sonic chapters. Jason Sanders isn't just a musician; he's a genre-bending alchemist, transforming sound into captivating experiences. Dive into his Oxymoronatron electrifies or get lost in the introspective symphony of his solo work. The tapestry is far from complete, and the next masterpiece could be your own sonic discovery.

Jason Sanders

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