List of Podcasts
HR 3 - GUMBO Friday - More on the broken toys, TSA's failures, Cyclist flips off President's motorcade
Episodes: 1
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HR2 - GUMBO Friday President Trump watching Fox and Friends, Chili's cancels Planned Parenthood campaign, Job openings around the country
Episodes: 1
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HR2 - Group of 25 black church leaders write letters to Hillary Clinton of concerns about religious freedom
Episodes: 1
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HR2 - GUMBO Friday the persona that represent different states, speaking clearly to love ones concerning sin and more on the Transgender pastor in New York
Episodes: 1
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HR3 - 1986 Interview with former Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver about Communism vs Capitalism
Episodes: 1
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HR3 - Lessons of The Ology with the kids, Compromise in the church, Overview on "The Shack" why does the church support the movie
Episodes: 1
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HR2 - Wil and Meeke discuss the idolatry that exists among believers as it pertains to celebrities.
Episodes: 1
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HR2 - Is Donald Trump a politician or not, Donald Trumps call out of Black America
Episodes: 1
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HR 3 - The magnificence of the birth of Christ, Terror attack in Manhattan
Episodes: 1
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HR 3 - The corrupt teaching in some seminaries, Distortions of the Gospel, Jesus not being the only way in American Christianity
Episodes: 1
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Hallmark Channel Boycott and Interview with Dr. Richard Land on Talking to Our Adult Children about God and Faith and more
Episodes: 1
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HR 1 - Paul's great love for the church in Thesselonica and encouragement for us to love the church today
Episodes: 1
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